What are Creative Sessions?

A couple of times a year I enter my images to get credit toward my Associate (then Master and one day maybe even Fellow) with The Portrait Masters. Those same images are also entered for awards and have been steadily winning bronzes. I have been wanting to stretch my creativity and skills and work on receiving my first silver.

This is where my “model calls”/creative sessions come in. This allows me to have creative control and create the images that I wish to submit.

But, what does that mean for you if you apply?

First of all, these are only available through an application process and subjects will be chosen on an as needed basis. I will only do so many of them a year and it will most likely change from month to month.

Once you are accepted, we will go over the details and vision I have for the shoot. You will receive a gift voucher that will cover the sitting fee, styling and 1 image. You are always welcome to purchase more.

I am so excited to be offering these sessions on a more regular basis because I have really missed getting to be creative for photoshoots. This is my time to feed my creative soul and push my knowledge. I hope you will join me and get amazing images for yourself.